Water Revenues Down For Cedar Bluff Utility Board

utilities board

Water Revenues are down for the Cedar Bluff Utility Board for the past 3 months according to Linda Pickelsimer, Treasurer for the Utility Board. In February the revenue was thirty-four thousand, thirty-two thousand in March, and twenty-seven thousand in April. Utility Manager, Marie Kelley said part of that could be attributed to some residents moving and the revenue should increase in this month and through the summer from water usage by lake lot owners. Pickelsimer told the Board, the water and sewer departments combined has net revenue of twenty thousand dollars year to date.

The Board approved the annual resolution for the Municipal Water Pollution Prevention report which is sent to ADEM to be sure the department is in compliance. The report which goes with the resolution is compiled by Ladd Engineering Company.

Manager Jeff Harrell informed the Board of the continued expansion and upgrade to the sewer system. Recently more than six thousand feet of sewer line was installed in a campground with more being installed. New customers can tie onto the sewer system with a minimal down payment and make monthly installments. Also, the upgrade and renovation of the Town’s eighty three manholes continues which will take the contractors more than two months to complete. The work continues to get a new operation center for the Utility Department. According to Harrell Ladd Engineering gave him an estimate of $12,400 to do the plan drawing for the building. The Board decided to get more bids.

The Board authorized the purchase of a used truck for the department from a local dealer in the amount of $5,200. The Board is working with its attorney to determine if they own the water plant property or if it is owned by the Town. This has been an ongoing issue for the department during the past year.

The Board went into executive session to protect the good name and character of an individual. After about a 15 minute meeting, the meeting was reconvened with no further action taken. The next Utility Board meeting will be on June 17 at 4pm.

