Officials Say It Appears Car Drove Around Crossing Bars Before Fatal Collision with Train

Calhoun County Train Wreck 2

The investigation into the crash that claimed two lives at a train crossing in Oxford last Saturday morning continues.

Officials now say it appears that the 2006 Pontiac Grand Am that was struck by a train had been driven around the lowered gates at the crossing on Coleman Road, just after 6:30am.

The impact killed both seven year old Nytavioun Powell – and his mother 35 year old Temeshica Chatman; the driver, Chatman’s 20 year old daughter, Taneshya Chatman, was air-lifted to UAB for treatment.

According to the Anniston Star Oxford Police Chief Bill Partridge said police are still gathering information – however it does appear the vehicle did drive around the lowered crossing bars into the path of the on-coming train.

Chatman’s car was headed north while the Norfolk Southern train was traveling west at about 50 mph when the accident occurred.

Investigators believe both the crossing bars and lights were working properly at the time.

Chief Partridge said it’ll take several weeks before the investigation is completed and at that time the Calhoun County District Attorney’s Office will determine if criminal charges will be filed in connection with the two deaths.

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