Debate Continues Over Annexation of Country Club Community into Centre City Limits

Centre City Council File Photo

Debate still continues over the possible annexation of the Country Club community into the city limits of Centre.

The Centre City Council and the Country Club Committee met in a work session last week in yet another attempt to make some sort of progress toward a resolution – whatever that may be.   

It appears the water line system will have to be upgraded – in order to provide the necessary fire protection to the area.  According to figures discussed during that meeting, the projected cost for the undertaking would come to $722,000. 

In order to pay for that project, the Water & Sewer Department would have to apply for a USDA grant and loan.

Several options were discussed regarding repayment of the loan including the possibility of a rate hike of 1.3% to 1.5% for all water and sewer customers on the system. Mayor Tony Wilkie says he had checked to see if that rate could apply to those customers in the Country Club area only – which he said could be done.

However, Al Shumaker, attorney for the Water & Sewer Board, told the group that although that may be legal under Alabama law, USDA requirements may not allow it.

Council member Marc Johnson recommended taking money from a certificate of deposit to pay off the loan portion – if approved by the USDA – then taking the income from the Country Club area to re-pay the city.

There was some opposition voiced to that proposal as well.

Centre attorney and Country Club resident Shane Givens had these comments regarding progress made during that meeting

It’s unclear when another meeting will be called to discuss the issue.

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