Cherokee County One Cent Sales Tax/School Tax in Altered Form Could be up For Vote

Although the One Cent Sales Tax or School Tax in Cherokee County failed to make it out of the Senate to be placed on the 2014 June Primary Ballot – it’s not dead yet.

Well – it actually IS dead in the form it was submitted – with those funds being split between the education system and the general fund – however – if the sales tax goes 100% for education, that issue could make its way onto the run-off ballot in July.


During last week’s Tea Party meeting in Leesburg Cherokee County Commission Chairman Kirk Day addressed the issue

Following that statement, someone from the crowd called for clarification from Chairman Day – asking again if it is possible that the One Cent Sales Tax could possibly be up for a vote in July

The Cherokee County Commission will meet Monday (April 14th) at 10:00am – in the Cherokee County Administration Building.  It’s unknown if the Superintendent or Board of Education will  make a formal request at that time concerning the placement of the School Tax on the July ballot.

Cherokee County Commission

The next Cherokee County Board of Education Meeting is set for this Tuesday (July 15th), in the Central Office on Main Street in Centre, starting at 6:00pm.

Board of Education

Both meetings are open to the public.

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