Blood Drive Monday, Donations Needed

Davidnewsstuff 512

Blood Assurance is in need of blood donations and Cherokee County residents can help out this Monday.

The Blood Assurance “Bloodmobile” will be at Cherokee Medical Center from Noon until 4:15 p.m.

Blood inventory levels are nearing critical stages due to increased usage of blood by local hospitals. In addition to increased usage due to patient trauma, the regional blood center experienced a low turnout of donors during the threat of winter weather recently.

More than 100 additional units of O negative donations have been sent to area hospitals in January compared to the previous year.

Current levels of O negative donations are below a two-day supply. O negative blood is known as the universal blood type because it can be given to patients in an emergency situation when their own blood type is unknown.

They also need donations of O Positive, A Positive, A Negative and B Negative.

Anyone who is at least 17 (16 with parental consent), weighs 110 pounds or more and is in reasonably good health can donate blood every 56 days.

Donors will also get a snack and a free t-shirt and can register for a drawing for an iPad which will be given away at the end of the month.


Blood Assurance donors are the sole providers of blood for more than 70 hospitals and healthcare facilities, including Cherokee Medical Center.

Once again, you can donate at Cherokee Medical Center this Monday from Noon until 4:15 p.m.

If you are not sure what your blood type is, call Blood Assurance at 1-800-962-0628. You can also get more information on Monday’s blood drive at that same number.


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