Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office Warns of Website Scam and Cyber Crimes

Cyber Scams 2At this point, the biggest growth industry in the world appears to be in the field of on-line scams.

Hardly a day goes by without WEIS Radio receiving a report of someone being contacted, and/or taken advantage of, by the ever-increasing number of cyber-crooks.

In a recent news release, Cherokee County Sheriff Jeff Shaver says his office has been receiving complaints over the last several months, regarding an on-line Facebook business in the Cherokee County area.

In each case the victim’s reported that they ordered products through the site – and paid by credit or debit card – and never received the merchandise.  Repeated attempts by the customers through e-mail to reach the seller have all proven unsuccessful.

The Sheriff’s Office is urging everyone to do research regarding any company, or individual, that they may consider doing business with – BEFORE they buy.

And over the past few weeks WEIS Radio has received a number of reports of scam-artists using legitimate, well-known business names – such as Verizon and Microsoft – in an attempt to obtain personal, private information from their intended victims.

NEVER give out any such information over the phone or through e-mail, especially if the person contacts YOU.

Reputable companies such as Verizon or Microsoft, will never ask for sensitive information over the phone or via the computer.  Just because someone claims to be with those companies, doesn’t mean they ARE.

THINK before you speak – or simply don’t say anything at all, just hang up and save yourself a headache.

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