Centre Fire Department Wraps Up Successful Toy Drive

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Christmas is a time for giving and that generosity was on display Friday as the Centre Fire Department wrapped up it 2013 Christmas Toy Drive with a special event at the Centre Wal Mart.

Fire Chief Kevin Ware says they have gotten more donations this year than he can remember.

Ware says the toys will be distributed to boys and girls through a number of local charities.

Firefighters were also holding a boot drive, collecting cash to purchase more presents for very deserving kids in Cherokee County.

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Friday’s event also doubled as a Blood Assurance Blood Drive, where around 20 or so local residents gave the gift that could save someone’s life this holiday season.

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As we told you last week, donations of Type O-Negative Blood are especially needed.

If you missed Friday’s blood drive, you can give blood by calling 1-800-962-0628 to schedule appointments at any donation center including the one in Rome.

