Dekalb Sheriff Warns of Cell Phone/Internet Scams

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The holiday season is upon us. A time for family, friends and good will. Unfortunately, it is also a time for scams.

Dekalb County Sheriff Jimmy Harris is reminding everyone that if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

A telephone scam is underway in the area where someone will receive a telephone call on their cell phone from a person claiming to be from Verizon Wireless.

The number that is showing up on caller ID is 800-600-6358 but that number could change. The caller will tell you that you have earned a credit and will ask for your account information. Once you give them your account information, Sheriff Harris says that they can then take control of your account. They may add other devices to or charge other services on your account without your knowledge which could add several hundreds of dollars to your bill.

A computer scam is also showing up in our area. While surfing the internet a notice will pop up that appears to be from the FBI. The pop up states that you have visiting pornographic sites on the internet and if you pay them $300.00 they will delete all traces of this activity on these type sites from your computer.

Sheriff Harris says that the notice is not from the FBI and the “scammers” just want the information from your credit card.

Sheriff Harris says to protect your personal information and all of your account information and don’t give it to others unless you are 100% sure who you are dealing with.

If you have any questions about a call or internet notice being legitimate, please contact his office and they will be happy to check it out for you.


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