Odd Incident at Kanagaroo Convenience Store on Taylor Street Leads to Call to Gadsden Police

Gadsden Police continue to investigate a somewhat strange, and awkward incident – taking place at The Kangaroo convenience store on Taylor Street.

A store clerk reported on Tuesday of this week, that a man entered the store, and he went into the restroom only to return moments later with his hoodie pulled over his head and he appeared to be acting as if he had a gun underneath his sweatshirt.

According to the clerk, the man then said “Open the drawer and give me the money – however – when the employee asked the man if he was serious he replied by saying “No.” – and that he was only joking around; he then walked out of the store.

It’s unclear if the man was truly just playing a bad, and potentially dangerous, joke on the clerk – or if he simply lost his nerve and decided to leave.

The incident remains under investigation.
