New Report Indicates Dangerous Trend in Seat Belt Usage

A report just published by the Alabama Department of Public Safety – indicates that more people killed in auto accidents last month, were not wearing their safety belts, as compared to the month before.

The report says that 53 victims were killed in vehicle crashes investigated by state troopers in the month of October; that’s up from 42 in September – and of the October number 44 vehicles were equipped with safety belts and 28 victims were not wearing the belts; of the 42 September deaths 15 people were not using safety restraints.

421 victims have thus far been killed in 2013 – that’s down six from the same time a year ago.

However, of the 421 crash victims, 347 were in vehicles where seat belts were available, but, 206 of those victims were not restrained. October fatalities included a two year old child who was not properly restrained in an approved child safety seat.

To date, four children ages three and under – have been killed in auto crashes where they weren’t properly restrained.

Alabama law requires children six and under, to be properly restrained in a federal motor vehicle safety standards approved child safety seat.

Data collected from traffic crashes investigated by Alabama State Troopers indicates that 59% of all victims killed in 2012 were not wearing seat belts at the time of their death.

Seat Belts 2

Buckle Up.  It’s the law – and it’s your life at stake.

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