Portion Of Sand Rock Avenue Named For Paul And Evelyn Johnson

The Cherokee County Commission has approved a resolution endorsing the designation of a portion of Sand Rock Avenue/Cherokee County Road 11 as “Mr. Paul and Mrs. Everlyn Johnson Street.”

Commissioner Kimball Parker read the resolution.


Members of the Sand Rock Town Council were also at Monday’s Commission meeting for the ceremony, where the Johnsons expressed their appreciation for the honor.

In other action, the commission voted to appoint Bron Bradley to the Decentralized Waste Water Authority Board to fill the expired term of Terry Daughtery.

A motion to reappoint Daughtery failed by a 3-to-2 vote with Commissioners Randy Jones and Marcie Foster, along with Chairman Day, voting “No.”

Bradley was then appointed by a unanimous vote.

The Commission also voted to hire John Rhodes as Highway Department Heavy Equipment Mechanic and approved a 5-percent promotional raise for Tabitha Davis, the Motor Vehicle Department Officer Manager.

Commissioner Randy Jones was appointed as the commission’s representative to the Coosa Valley Resource Conservation and Development Council.


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