Press Conference Announcement – $10,000 Reward Is Being Offered by the Governor’s Office

A $10,000 reward is being offered by the governor’s office for information leading to an arrest in two alleged cases of rape in Calhoun and Talladega counties.

During a joint press conference with Talladega County Sheriff Jimmy Kilgore – Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson, said Tuesday – that investigators believe those two alleged sexual assault cases were the act of one person.

The Calhoun County incident took place last July (2012) – when an 82 year old woman informed  deputies that she had been followed to her home in Grove Oak, after shopping in Alexandria; she had then been thrown to the ground in her yard and sexually assaulted.

On July 28th of this year (2013) a 67 year old Munford woman reported to authorities that a man followed her home from church – forced his way into the home – demanded money, and sexually assaulted her.

In each case the suspect was described as a heavy-set black male in his late 20’s or possibly early 30’s, driving a white car.

The man is believed to be between five-six and five-eight (5’6” and 5’8”) – weighing around 200 pounds.

Anyone with information on either case, is urged to contact the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office at (256) 236-6600 or the Talladega County Sheriff’s Office at (256) 761-2141.

(Anniston Star/

Rape Suspect 1Rape Suspect 2

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