Rainsville Police Chief Reinstated By Council


Rainsville Police Chief Charles Centers has been reinstated at full pay following a Thursday night vote by the Rainsville City Council.

The council took the action after finding “no factual basis” to allegations posed by the mayor.

Mayor Nick Jones had said the chief violated the law by putting a municipal tag on a vehicle and then drove it to Rome, Georgia.

The mayor said officers write tickets for switched tags, and feels the chief deserves a one-week suspension.

But in response to the mayor, the chief’s attorney maintains that a city councilman asked the chief to drive the vehicle to see if he liked it as the city considers its purchase.

The attorney also cited Alabama law as saying a tag can be placed on a vehicle that is being purchased or is being acquired. He also said the mayor governs by bullying.

The mayor did not attend the meeting on advice of the city attorney.

He said that a due process hearing will have to be held before a neutral party and not the city council.

This is not the first conflict between the two men.

Back in June, the chief sent notice the city would possibly face a million-dollar lawsuit due to harassment from the mayor.



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