Southside Head Football Coach Marty Smith Resigns

Southside FB practice southsidefootballpractice06_ew.jpgMarty Smith says goodbye to Southside – resigning as head football coach effective immediately

Smith’s resignation as both coach and teacher was accepted during a brief Etowah County Board of Education meeting.

Superintendent Alan Cosby later released a short statement, wishing Smith “the best in his future endeavors”; the statement also said they hope to have an interim head football coach in place just as soon as possible.

Southside opens the season August 29th at Hokes Bluff.

Smith was hired as head coach at Southside in 2011, posting a record of 9 and 11 during his time at the position.

When asked about his resignation Smith insisted he chose to turn in his resignation and was NOT asked to quit – saying the administration at Southside had been very supportive.


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