Cherokee County BOE Meets Tuesday Night

During Tuesday’s meeting of the board of education, Chief Deputy Tim Hayes of the Cherokee County Sheriff Department met with the board to discuss the costs associated with the placement of resource officers in the county schools. Hays said that Sheriff Jeff Shaver has applied and is awaiting approval for a grant to help with costs.  According to Hays, Shaver has also asked that the board increase the amount it provides to help cover placing officers at football games. It was decided to continue the current agreement of providing $2,000 per month through the end of August and revisit the matter to determine any additional costs for next month and beyond.

Truman Atkins with Cenergistic, formerly Energy Education, Inc, gave a presentation to the board, offering the company’s expertise to help the school system save on energy costs.  According to Atkins, Cenergistic, which has saved school systems across the nation, including Fort Payne City Schools, a total of $3.2 billion, would provide a projected net savings of $150,350 to Cherokee County Schools during the first year and $3,059,981 over a ten year period.  No action was taken at this time.

In personnel action, the board approved the retirement of Robert L. Surrett, Custodian at Spring Garden School, effective October 1st.  The resignation of Britney Jones, Special Education Paraprofessional, was accepted, effective immediately.

Cristy Johnson was hired as an eight hour Special Education Paraprofessional with bus duties, county wide.

Several job postings were approved, including Special Education Paraprofessional with possible nurse certification requirements, county wide; Bus Driver at Gaylesville School; Custodian at Spring Garden School; and Kindergarten Teacher at Sand Rock School.

Also approved was a medical leave of absence for Kathy Wadsworth, Food Service Worker at Centre Elementary School from August 15th through December 5th, and a military leave for Randy Smith, Assistant Principal from September 4th through 6th.

Out of state travel was approved for Andy Jones, Counselor at Sand Rock, who will attend the 2013 WIDA National Conference in Milwaukee on October 17th through 19th, to be funded by Title I and ESL funds.

The board also agreed to contract with J. Paige Wright for Physical Therapy Services and Pam Acker for Special Education/Attendance Services.

Additionally, an educational grant application with Coosa Valley RC&D was approved for the Centre Elementary Community Growth Project.

Finally, Cedar Bluff School was given the okay to enter into a Rental Agreement with Snead Ag Supply for a John Deere Gator.

The next meeting of the Cherokee County Board of Education is scheduled for next Thursday, August 27th, at 6 p.m. at the Central Office.

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