BOE Makes Numerous Hires for Upcomming Year

IMG_0981Although Tuesday night’s meeting of the board of education was a rather brief affair, it did see numerous personnel actions for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year.

Approved certified placements included Megan Hester as Physical Education Teacher at Centre Elementary, Jesse Chandler as English Teacher at Gaylesville School, and Anna Acker as Speech Teacher/Speech Pathologist, county-wide.

Allison Kirby was hired as Half-time School Counselor at Centre Middle School, while Jennifer Brown was hired as School Counselor at Gaylesville School.

Just as many classified placements were approved, including that of Johnnie Holder as Child Nutrition Worker at Centre Middle School, Anita Nation as Physical Education Paraprofessional at Centre Middle School, and Lynn Hunnicutt as Half-time Instructional Paraprofessional at Gaylesville School.

Additionally, the board also approved the hiring of Jeremy Pearson as Bus Driver at Gaylesville School and Jeremy Goodwin as Bus Driver at Centre Schools.  All placements were unanimous, with the exception of Goodwin’s which was a 3-2 decision with Board Members Lisa McKissick, Mark Green, and Suzanne Bishop voting “Yes,” while Mark Gossett and Lynn Rochester voted “No.”

Also, Amanda Monteith’s contract as the McKinney Vento Liaison was changed from a nine months to ten, to be funded by a Title/McKinney Vento Grant.

An educational leave of absence was approved for Tammi Ray, School Nurse at Centre Middle School.  The leave will be from her bus route on Wednesdays, October 2nd through December 18th, and one full day per week, from mid January to late March of next year.

The retirement of Linda Teague, Centre Schools Bus Driver of 28 years, was approved, effective September 1st.

The board also voted to adopt a revised school calendar, which will now allow for the ACT With Writing on April 23rd, 2014.

Superintendent Mitchell Guice thanked each of the County Supervisors who recently took time to be interviewed by Jerry Baker, here at WEIS Radio, to share information on the upcoming school year.

The next regular meeting of the Cherokee County Board of Education is scheduled for Tuesday, August 23rd, 2014 at 6 p.m. at the Central Office.
