Some Little River Canyon Roads Closed For Repair

The Little River Canyon National Preserve has received money to repair some of its back country roads.

As a result, several roads are closed temporarily for regrading and to repair potholes and ruts.

According to a news release, Park Superintendent Gail Bishop said those roads are Road 1 north of the Slant Rock Camp site, Road 2 from the intersection of Cherokee County Road 103 to the intersection with Road 1, and Road 4 from Billy’s Ford Camp Site to the intersection of Road 2.

The last closure includes vehicles crossing Billy’s Ford.

 little river canyon map

Bishop says visitors who wish to swim, fish or just enjoy the river may park near Billy’s Ford Camp Site and walk in.

The river crossing at Hartline Ford on Road 3 will remain open.

Visitors are asked not to block roadways to allow for emergency vehicles.

The expected Park Service completion date for the work is on or before Aug. 8.


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