Cherokee County Commission Meeting – Monday, July 8th

Cherokee County Commission 011The Monday morning meeting of the Cherokee County Commission, included an appointment to the Cherokee County Parks & Recreation Board – a request for special funds for two local sports teams – and a special thank you, to a member of the Department of Transportation, for assistance in helping to make a portion of roadway in the Gayelsville area safer.

Terry Hanes was appointed to the Parks & Recreation Board – to complete the unexpired term of Luttrell Varnell.

Two local sports teams are headed to state tournament play in Troy, Alabama starting July 19th – Chairman Kirk Day outlines the requests:

Both requests were approved.

In other business – during Monday’s Work Session, County Engineer Corey Chambers presented the proposed 2013/2014 budget for his department to the commission for review and Sheriff Jeff Shaver spoke with commission members about the need for a new Animal Control truck, and the estimated cost of obtaining the much-needed vehicle.  

At the close of the regular meeting Commissioner Carlton Teague took the time to publicly thank Ben Thackerson with the state DOT, for his role in getting much needed new guard rails installed  along a stretch of road in District IV.

The next regular meeting of the Cherokee County Commission is slated for Monday July 22nd at 5:00pm in the County Administration Building.
