Cente Council Approves Sewer and Armory Building Renovations


The Centre City Council approved renovation projects totaling almost $853,000 during the regular meeting Tuesday evening. A bid was awarded to Tren-Tay Incorporated of Jasper, Alabama in the amount of $452,993 for a sewer upgrade in parts of the City. Rebecca Crane of JBW&T, Consulting Engineers of Gadsden says the project will include Bay Springs Road, North River Street and a section that goes through the park and in front of CVS.

The funds to pay for the project comes from a Community Development Block Grant.

The next renovation project approved by the City Council is the Armory Building on highway 9. Mayor Wilkie says the upgrades will include fixing the roofing and getting the restrooms up to specs.

The decision was made to also include adding heat and air-conditioning for a portion of the building with an option to expand it when needed. The total cost of the renovation is $400,000. The funds for the upgrade would be from a $50,000 grant from the USDA and a USDA loan in the amount of $350,000. The building would then be known as the Centre Community Center. Mayor Wilkie said the plans also include offices which could house the Police Department as they are currently out of available space at their current location on Main Street.

In other business, the Council appointed Tom Wade Hampton to the Planning Commission to replace Van Strickland, at his request due to health issues. The purchase of 12 loads of sand for the Dixie Youth and Softball Complexes.

The next regular meeting of the City Council is set for July 9th at 5pm in the Council Chambers.

