Centre Council Approves Lease For Old Airport Property

old airport

The Centre City Council has approved a lease agreement with the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office for the old airport property located off of Woodland Street.

The Sheriff’s Department will lease the land for 1-dollar a year and will use the old terminal building to house the Drug Task Force Offices.

The rest of the property could be used for garden spots for prisoners or to store confiscated vehicles.

The agreement contains a clause that state’s the city can back out of the lease agreement at any time if they give 30-days notice.

Councilman Marc Johnson made the motion to approve.

In other action, the Centre City Council approved an amendment to the job qualifications for an accounting clerk for the Administrative Department.

Added to the qualifications was at least a 2-year degree in accounting or business management or at least 10-years experience with references.

The council tabled a resolution to create a job description for an assistant recreation director.

Mayor Tony Wilkie, along with council members Derrick Wheeler and Phillip Roberts were out of town and were unable to attend Tuesday’s meeting.

Mayor Pro-Tem Bess Yarbrough presided over the meeting in Wilkie’s absence.


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