Chattooga Commissioner Winters Announces Changes

Winters and Reed Chattooga County Commissioner Jason Winters points to logistics and funding as the reasons for changes in job responsibilities for two county employees and for the elimination of another job.

Road & Bridge Director Joe Reed will now oversee Public Transit – Lamar Canada had held that position previously, however he will now be overseeing Sanitation and will also be working on a purchase order system for the county.

Winters stated Reed’s office was located in the same building where calls were coming regarding public transit, so it simply made sense – and, it would be more efficient – for him to handle those responsibilities

Reed has prior experience in the field from working with former commissioner Jim Parker.

Another position has been eliminated due to funding. 

Sylvia Lee-Keziah had overseen Special Projects – and, had also worked part time for the City of Summerville’s Better Hometown Committee.

Commissioner Winters said, when economic conditions improve, it’s possible they would look at re-filling that position.

