Leesburg Recognized By Spirit Of Cherokee

Davidnewsstuff 1025

The Town of Leesburg and its maintenance department were recognized Monday for their participation in the Avenue of Flags.

Johnny Roberts was on hand for Monday’s Leesburg Council meeting to present a certificate of appreciation.

The Avenue of Flags is a salute to local deceased veterans and displayed several holidays throughout the year on 411 medians between Centre and Leesburg.

It includes the names of 382 veterans, including 28 from Leesburg.

The Spirit of Cherokee hold’s an event called “A Taste of Cherokee” to raise money for the display.

The Centre City Council was also recently recognized for their participation.

In other action during Monday’s Leesburg Town Council meeting, a Drug and Alcohol Policy was adopted.

The policy covers all employees, including part-time and contract workers, along with contractors.

Previously the town only had a policy in place for the police department.

The policy states that an employee may be drug tested at any time while on duty.

The council also approved the purchase of a new mosquito sprayer Monday night.

Years ago, Leesburg went in with the Town of Cedar Bluff to purchase a sprayer.

The pump on that machine has gone out and it would cost more than 2-thousand dollars to replace it.

The council unanimously approved the purchase of a new London Fogger mosquito sprayer for 8-thousand dollars.


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