“Finster Fest” – June 8th and 9th in Summerville, Georgia

Finster Fest 4People from far and wide will be heading to Summerville, Georgia this weekend for Finster Fest 2013 – a two day celebration of the life and works of one of the nation’s greatest visionary artists – the late Howard Finster.

Finster Fest 2013 will be held at J.R. “Dowdy” Park, on Saturday and Sunday (June 8th and 9th), and will include the “Man of Vision Concert” featuring traditional music icons Norman & Nancy Blake – others scheduled to perform include the Bohannon’s from Chattanooga, Tennessee along with Christian Herring & True Blues from Birmingham among many others.

Finster Fest 6Howard Finster passed away in 2001 at the age of 84, but not before creating a body of work that placed him at the forefront of folk and outsider art.

He was a longtime resident of Chattooga County, and his work has been featured on many album covers, placed in museums and included in the collection of the Library of Congress.

Finster Fest 2Finster Fest is an annual major fundraising event helping to provide funding for the rehabilitation of Finster’s longtime home and Paradise Gardens, the homesite and place where he created many of his works of art – numbering more than 10,000. Visitors will be able to take a shuttle bus from the festival site in Summerville to Paradise Gardens both Saturday and Sunday.

General Admission to the event is FREE to the public; for more information on the event and the ticket prices for the “Man of Vision” Concert simply visit the website FinsterFest.com

(Summerville News)

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