Donations For Oklahoma Tornado Relief Continues

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Cherokee EMS is continuing to collect supplies to help the tornado victims of Moore, Oklahoma.

A devastating tornado stretching more than a mile across, touched down last Monday in that area and left an incredible path of destruction – leveling homes, businesses and two elementary schools, in addition to claiming dozens of lives.

You can take donations to the EMS Building – 1913 West Main Street in Centre, behind the Spring Garden restaurant, which is across from Wal Mart.

A number of items have already been donated for transport to Oklahoma, including school supplies collected by students at Cedar Bluff School.

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Just about anything and everything is needed including baby items, such as diapers, food and formula; bottled water; flashlights, batteries, band-aids, and clothing.

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Food is also needed, but it must be non-perishable items such as canned goods.

In other words, nothing that will spoil or go stale.

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Cherokee EMS will have someone on site 24 hours a day seven days a week, to accept donations.

If they are out on a call, you can still leave the items in the bay area.

For those residing in the City of Centre wishing to donate goods, but are unable to go by the EMS Building, a Centre Police officer will be dispatched to pick up those goods at your home.

To make those arrangements simply call the police department at (256) 927-3661.

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Northeast Alabama is certainly no stranger to severe weather – and residents of Cherokee County are familiar with the recovery process – which in itself is a massive undertaking.

Now is the opportunity for those locally to help re-pay some of the kindness shown to our area in the wake of the April 27th, 2011 storms which caused such tremendous damage and also affected so many lives.


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