Some People Just Don’t Know When To Quit

A 24 year old Anniston man has been arrested, in connection with the burglary at the home of his ex-girlfriend.

The woman reported that she witnessed Nelson Williams break-out a window in her residence on East 13th Street, at around 11:00pm; he fled after the victim called police.

Incident reports indicate that Williams had apparently returned around 2:00am and set fire to the mattress the woman had placed against the broken window; again, police were called and he fled the scene – with the burning mattress causing no serious damage.

Not knowing when to quit Williams apparently returned yet again, a little after 3:00am – and that time he spray-painted obscenities on the woman’s front door.

Williams was finally located and arrested the following morning on Johnston Drive. He was then charged with first degree burglary and first degree arson before being booked into jail – where he will not be allowed to play with matches or paint cans.

(Anniston Star/
