Fishing is changing as the weather changes. With the warming temperatures in recent days and nights, crappies have moved shallow getting ready for spawning. We are seeing some nice stringers coming from underneath docks and piers with the sunshine and the warm water, the crappies are stacking in there for some great “dockshooting”. Stringers of 25-50 are not uncommon. Also, those anglers fishing jigs or minnows under floats on shallow stumpy flats are bringing in some nice keepers. The male crappies are on the bed getting them ready for the spawn with the females still in the 5-9 foot depths in most locations. The surface temp of the water is mid to upper 60’s.

Some of the areas that are getting plenty of action are the lower lake, Mud Creek, Godfrey Island area, Little River and Big Nose slough.

Bass are also being caught in good numbers with plenty in the 2-4 pound size. Most are being caught shallow with shallow running crankbaits, spinnerbaits, and worms, especially around the stumps.

The past few days have been good on the lake but a cold front is coming in Thursday night and Friday with afternoon high temps only in the low 60’s and overnight lows predicted around 40. This system will extend the crappie season a few more days with the chilling of the shallows.

Remember, on Weiss Lake, the minimum size limit on crappie  is 10 inches with a 30 per person daily creel limit.  Bass has no minimum size limit with a daily creel limit of 10.

The lake level today is 563.28 which is only 7/10 of a foot from the full pool level of 564 feet.

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