BOE Changes Graduation Exam Policy

Davidnewsstuff 820

Cherokee County School System Seniors will no longer have to pass the Alabama Graduation Exam in order to participate in graduation exercises.

The Cherokee County Board of Education approved a revision to the 2012-2013 Student Code of Conduct during their Tuesday night meeting at Sand Rock School.

When the board approved the policy, it was though the graduation exam would be around for a while.

Now the test is going away, meaning that there would be only two classes, first time 9th graders during the 2009-2010 or 2010-2011 school years, would be required to pass the graduation text to walk with their class.

Guice says that would not be fair to those two classes.

He adds that students still must earn the required number of Carnegie Units at the end of their 12th grade year in order to graduate.

In other action, the board approved an agreement with the Gadsden Center for Cultural Arts to provide Student Educational Services for Indian Ed and Multicultural Activities Student Educational Services.

The board also approved summer contracts with Tara Blanchard and Tina Rowland for Special Education Services as well as a summer worker for each school and two for the Textbook Office/Central Office.

A Governmental Entity Request also got the go-ahead from the board. Cedar Bluff School plans to submit a request for 2-thousand dollars to the Cherokee County Commission for travel expenses for the track team.

The board of education also approved a request for Spring Garden School to build a softball batting cage at no expense to the board.

In personnel action, the board accepted the resignation of John McKay, Science Teacher at Spring Garden, effective April 24th.

They also voted to post positions for two food service workers for summer feeding at Centre Elementary, a Kindergarten Teacher at Centre Elementary, a Summer School Principal and four Summer School Teachers.

The board then adjourned into Executive Session for a Student Disciplinary Hearing and to discuss pending litigation with Legal Counsel.

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