Congressman Mike Rogers on Budget Plan

Mike Rogers x3Recently I voted for a budget plan that would help rein in government spending, balance the budget in 10 years and reform the tax code.

It’s not a perfect plan, but that budget, crafted by Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, at least attempts to solve our long-term debt crisis.

Across the Capitol, the Senate Democratic budget plan, endorsed by President Obama, recommends no balanced budget and includes a $975 billion tax increase.

I completely disagree with this approach.

Most folks across East Alabama agree our massive national debt and burdensome tax code are hurting the economy and stifling new job growth. Congress must act to address both.

The national debate has been centered on cutting spending. The House Republican budget plan would cut spending by $4.6 trillion over the next decade while preserving and protecting important programs like Medicare. 

As we continue to work to cut spending, we should also begin to reform the tax code. These simply go hand in hand.

April 15th the dreaded Tax Day – is here and what better timing to begin  to debate tax reform.

According to the non-partisan Tax Foundation, Americans will have to work

108 days this year just to be able to pay their taxes. That’s outrageous.

Tax reform should be based on permanently reducing rates on individuals and businesses to the lowest possible level, eliminating special interest loopholes that have nothing to do with creating jobs and requiring everyone to pay their fair share.

If Congress aims for these goals, the results should be stronger economic growth and job creation. Contrary to the naysayers, the amount of revenue the government receives actually would increase because more people would be working and our economy would be growing.

We cannot allow any future growth-generated revenue to be spent on wasteful government programs. Instead, it should go towards eliminating the deficit and then paying down the debt. 

Congress has the opportunity to right our fiscal ship and help grow our economy for future generations. Let’s hope it tackles our long-term debt crisis and works to fix our broken tax code.

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