Thir Sakdi Phu Cxm / EyeEm/Getty Images(LOS ANGELES) -- A lawsuit against Cedars-Sinai Health System and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in…
LWA/Dann Tardif/Getty Images(NEW YORK) -- From "mom brain" to "mommy brain," "momnesia," "baby brain" and "pregnancy brain," the terms used…
Texas Children's Hospital(HOUSTON) -- A 4-year-old from eastern Louisiana is on the road to recovery at Texas Children's Hospital in…
Elva Etienne/Getty Images(NEW YORK) -- Teenage girls in the United States are experiencing record-high levels of feelings of sadness and…
ABC News(NEW YORK) -- During the earlier stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, limiting social interactions and wearing masks kept pesky…
xijian/Getty Images(ATLANTA) -- The number of suicides increased in 2021 to the highest levels seen in four years, according to new…
Mark Kerrison/In Pictures via Getty Images(NEW YORK) -- A dangerous and contagious bird flu continues to spread through poultry farms,…
xijian/Getty Images(ATLANTA) -- The number of suicides increased in 2021 to the highest levels seen in four years, according to…
Ohio Governor's Office(NEW YORK) -- The toxins that burned in the wreckage of the train derailment in Ohio had the…
Jenn Ackerman /For The Washington Post via Getty Images(NEW YORK) -- In the early months of 2020, doctors were left…